Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quick update

Happy June!  Okay, maybe I have decided I am going to blog a bit more on my life before it's really time to set sail on my adventure with Logan towards the end of the summer.  I've had quite a few things actually happen here recently!

1.  I actually started working decent hours at the store I work at after I attempted to quit a few Sunday's ago.  That was an interesting day.  I did have the last two days off so it's been quite nice to slow down just for a bit.

2. I got a new guitar!  Ladies and Gents, let me introduce you to Lily.  She's my new Ibanez acoustic-electric and the closest thing I've ever had to a baby that's for sure.
3. I am surprising my amazing other half for his 36 hour pass in Georgia.  It's going to be a long drive for such a short time but I know it will be totally worth it.  And I'm super stoked about just being able to spend some time with my best friend again.

4. Speaking of my super amazing other half, he called me today!  It was only for a short 10 minutes but I cling tight to the sound of his voice and those silly stories until I am able to hear from him again.  Of all the things he could have told me, he decided to share that he got in a fight earlier today with one of his "buddies."  He said after they got their anger out on each other, they hugged and called it good.  Sometimes "men" never really lose that inner child inside of them....

Either way, I am counting down the days until I see him again and I am crossing my fingers that the time miraculously passes quicker then the speed it has been currently.  Until then, I will continue to play my new guitar and post some videos on youtube when I find the time.

Miss you, Baby.


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